Date-wise Events
  • April 06, 1896:   On this day, the first Olympics of the modern era started at Athens, Greece.
    • The games were played from April 06 to April 15, 1896.
    • King George of Greece, his wife and children along with about 80,000 spectators witnessed these games.
    • 241 players from 14 countries participated in these games.
Description The first ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 BC. They were dedicated to the Olympian gods and were staged on the ancient plains of Olympia. They continued for nearly 12 centuries, until Emperor Theodosius decreed banned such events.
Kids vocabulary - Olympic Sports - Game of Sports - Learn English for kids - educational video  
All About the Olympics for Kids - The History and Symbols of The Olympics: FreeSchool  
The ancient origins of the Olympics - Armand D'Angour  
Ancient Olympics Let The Games Begin (Full Documentary)  
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Olympic Games - Wikipedia   <>   ‎List of Olympic Games host cities · ‎Summer Olympic Games · ‎Winter Olympic Games The Olympic Games - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com   <>   Ancient Olympic Games, First Olympics in Olympia Greece   <>   Brief History of the Olympic Games - Nostos.com   <>   The History of the Olympic Games | Scholastic   <>   Origin and History of the Olympic Games | Go for the Gold Student ...   <>   Olympic Games, brief History of the Olympics - Athens Guide   <>   Olympics History - Summer Olympics 2012 History - London Olympics ...   <>   Special Olympics: Our History   <>   BBC - Primary History - Ancient Greeks - The Olympic Games   <>   Images for olympics history More images for olympics historyReport images Olympic Games - Ancient History Encyclopedia   <>   Olympics Timeline: Ancient Greece - 1940s - Infoplease   <>   International Society of Olympic Historians – ISOH | Contributing to ...   <>   Olympic Games Timeline - History on the Net   <>   The Dark History of the Olympics - The New York Times   <>   Olympic Events Through History - Live Science   <>   13 Olympic Moments that Changed History | Reader's Digest   <>   Olympic Games Summer and Winter Locations and History of the Games   <>    India Olympics History, Performance of Indians in Olympics   <>