Quotes & Sayings
Quotes and sayings help spice up your presentations, speeches,
research papers and all sorts of written and spoken material. Use of
quotes lightens, enlightens and enlivens the environment of
presentations, meetings and disussions. It might be painful to read
full texts of holy spiritual texts and even after reading them
through, your mind might not be able catch the crux. It's here where
the quotes and sayings come handy to help you get much more
assimilation through short exerpts. One can also use the quotes and
sayings in parties and get togethers to enliven the environment, to
spread education and enlightenment and also to impress your
counterparts about your knowledge and awareness level. Quotes are
extremely helpful in assimilating the glimpses of the vast and
intricate history. Every one can not a afford to read the huge
history literature. The crux of the historically most important
speeches by the various shapers and shakers of the world can be
gathered through quotes and sayings. Last but not the least, the
quotes and sayings impart the much needed inspiration, motivation,
consolation, character building, zeal, art of good living, mercy,
optimism, forbearance, realization of truth, in-depth understanding
of the normally un-understandable, ability to see the world around
with a positive perspective, prevention of the advent of negative
conduct arising out of negative emotions, positive and progressive
attitude building, respectfulness for nature and environment, urge
to contribute your bit in the process of developmentof human race,
art of peaceful co-existence, etc.
The human society of today needs to be reminded continuously about
wisdom quotes and sayings of the great personalities all around the world
more than ever before owing mainly to the fast deteriorating value
systems. With this in view we are reproducing the sayings, teachings and quotes
of such great personalities of the world.
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respective quotes & sayings
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